Thursday, April 11, 2013

MA1121 ASSIGNMENT 01 Sandman Animation

Crystal Walker
Sandman Animation
For my paper I decided to look into an animation studio known as Sandman Animation. Sandman Animation is a studio located in China that has had a very impressive track record ever since it got its start back in 2006. The company managed to earn  two awards for their animations and start their own series within the first year of production and have continued to run strong ever since. The series that gave them their start was a little show called 'My Pet' all about a little girl and her wild imagination. ( Sandman Animation not only had an incredible start, they set the standard for animation studios all across asia, and thanks to that they were asked to start classes at all the major animation schools in China.
Sandman Animation has worked on some pretty popular series all over the world. They specialize in several different forms of animation including, 2D, 3D, and Flash. They also offer jobs in pre production like Ink and Paint or Storyboarding and they even have teaching positions available. They've made works such as 'Odd Bod', 'Ra Ra', and 'Little China'. ( More recently thay have worked on series such as 'The Cramp Twins' ( and 'Sushi Pack', ( both of which were aired on cartooon network. Being that they work in so many different mediums Sandman Animation looks for animators with a wide variety of skills.
Sandman Animation has worked with many companies all over the world and have become very popular all throughout Asia, however it seems they are severely underplayed in Anmerica. I'd hardly ever heard of Sandman Animation until now, and I was surprised to find that they actually worked on a few projects that I am familiar with. What is even more surprising is that they've been around for about about 8 years now and have won so many awards and I could still find only a little information about them. I even had trouble finding a lot of their work online. I was a little surprised because I thought that it would be a little easier to find some examples of their shows, especially the ones that have recieved all the awards. I guess it's just not that easy to find the work of a Chinese company in America, so I figired it would be good to bring them into the spotlight a bit.
Sandman Animation has been around for a while now and in the time since they were founded they have continually set new animation standards all around Asia and have won many awards for their work. Sandman Animation goes through all the normal means of promoting themselves but overall they  let their work do the talking for them. They have definately made quite the lasting impression on the animation community and has inspired many young animators to step up and give it their all. To those just starting out in the animation feild they offer classes at a variety of different art schools to help them get started.

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